November Brings Yet Another Successful Yam Festival
December 16, 2019

A volunteer hands Bella M. '21 the prized yam fries
Isabella W.
November 22 marked yet another successful Yam Festival as students arrived in yam-colored clothing and enjoyed a variety of yam-flavored treats. The day contained its usual festivities, including admiring the dishes brought by families and volunteers, stacking plates with as much food as possible, and of course exchanging tickets for yam fries and latkes.

Sophia HK.

The tables outside the commons soon filled with plates full of yam-flavored items and it was only a matter of time before students began to go back in line for seconds.
Isabella W.

Students spread out to find any free space available to eat as the tables around the commons quickly filled up.

Isabella W.
Bella G. '20, far left, Quinn N. '20, back middle, Emma R. '20, far right, Ayiana SN. '20, front middle
Sophia HK.
Nina Hachigian playfully holds a yam
Isabella W.
Students in front of the Humanities Center enjoying their meals

Ashire courtyard was filled with tents with different stations containing a wide range of yam-filled foods. Students, teachers, parents, and volunteers attended in order to have a chance to help out and try the different treats. Each grade level took their turn around the different stations so everyone could have a chance to try the food.

Isabella W.
Kathleen O'Reilly, Senior College Counseling Associate, Lynn O'Grady, Director of College Counseling, and Marcie Robinson,College Counseling Associate with their plates filled with yam-flavored foods
Sophia HK.
Isabella Welling

One of the tables outside the commons after the festival
Isabella W.
The after-math of the Yam Festival meant plenty of near-empty plates and plenty of full students.

Some of the many plates offered made by families
Isabella W.

Isabella W.
Camilla C. '21 and Sosi D. '21 using the yam cutouts available for pictures

Isabella W.
Ava F. '21 and Katrina W. '21 after getting the yam fries

Isabella W.
Juanita Jimenez with her yam-filled plate

Isabella W.
From left to right, Jay HK. '20, Kaylan P. '20, Vivian L. '20, Jadyn L. '20, Alina C. '20 and Jasmine P.'20

The Volunteers
Some of the volunteers who helped pass out food
Isabella W.
The Yam Festival would not be possible without the help of the volunteers. A range of contributions were made, from making dishes, to passing out food. Volunteers helped set up and take down he the tents and decorations, coordinate the festival, pass out food, and make sure everyone was having a good time. So, a special thanks to all of the volunteers who helped out!

Isabella W.
Some volunteers talking after the Yam Festival was over