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Westridge Water Warriors Waterfall Festival, a Success!

By Anna F. 
April 23, 2019
Anna F.

On April 13, a white blur of seventh and eighth grade Water Warriors filled the gym, scurrying around making sure every detail is perfect. The Water Warrior’s annual waterfall festival fundraiser was about to begin. The goal of the festival is to raise money for an organization the Water Warriors partnered with called H20 for Life. There the money is used for projects to build clean water wells in developing countries in Africa.

Last year the Water Warriors raised over $17,000 and were able to build one well and helped fund parts of two other wells. After this year’s successful turnout, the Water Warriors raised $8,500 during the fair for a total amount of $13,000 to donate. They are now able to fund all three wells in Uganda.    

This year’s festival included new additions to the growing attraction of booths like hair braiding, a cake walk, and a smoothie bar.  Water Warriors also sold handmade Kenyan goods that Ms. Bizar and Mr. Cross brought back from their trip from Kenya. Outside on the field games available were corn hole, obstacle course, fishing games for prizes, fortune telling, and a hamster ball wrestling arena.

While there was plenty to be eaten or purchased, fair-goers eagerly awaited the raffle prize winners at the end of the event. A few of this year’s highlight prizes include a Lululemon basket, a gift certificate to Red Bird restaurant, and personal training sessions.

Even though there were many physical objects and things to buy at the fair, like entering the raffle, the main reason that people loved to attend the fair was because they were happy to support a community in the developing world by giving them clean water. As Katie S., ’23 said, “...Seeing how much fun people were having while knowing that throughout the excitement we were raising money for a cause that can change a community’s life.”  

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