Westridge Princesses Visit Hospital

Elisa D.

By Jackie Y. & Maya L.
December 17, 2018

In the long list of Rose Court responsibilities, both princesses Micaela M., ‘19, and Lauren B., ‘19, cite their visit to Huntington Hospital as their greatest highlight of serving on the Rose Court so far. On Halloween, the Royal Court dressed up as superheroes and surprised kids at the hospital who were unable to trick-or-treat because of their illnesses. “We got to go around to the different offices in the hospital and help them trick or treat,” Micaela explained. “Members of the business offices had candy, small presents, and coloring books in store for the kids,” Lauren added.
The girls felt humbled to meet so many kinds of families and offer encouragement. Micaela, who is extremely passionate about education, and Lauren, who cares deeply about female empowerment, hope they can inspire young children like those at the hospital to follow their passions and achieve their dreams. “I think it’s really fun because you get to know them as kids, not for what they’re going through or for their disease; you just get to know them as kids,” said Micaela.
Both Lauren and Micaela applied for the Rose Court because of their interest in improving their communities, whether that be through volunteer work or simply serving as role models for younger kids. The princesses believe the most rewarding part of working on the court is being able to provide support for those who need it. “We are able to brighten the days of the people that need it the most, and that, for me, is the reason I wanted to be on the court,” said Lauren.