2nd Annual Westridge March Madness Table Tennis Tournament

David Prince and Gary Baldwin face off in the table tennis tournament.
Olivia Q.

By Olivia Q.
April 23, 2019
This year, the Westridge March Madness Table Tennis Tournament started out with loose inhibitions, pent-up aggression, and a widespread eagerness to destroy the competition. It was a bloodbath.
Said no one.
The Westridge March Madness Table Tennis Tournament, a fun and breezy annual competition dedicated to those campus hardcore ping pong players, celebrates slightly competitive tête-à-têtes among friends. The founder, Paloma S., ’19, said that the table tennis tournament originated from Rocketry, where her class laser-printed table tennis paddles. “So we were playing with [the table tennis paddles] in Rocketry, and then someone suggested trying to bring it to a bigger scale. It was March, and the NCAA March Madness tournament was already happening, so WMMTTT sort of just blossomed from there, and we wanted to continue it again this year.”
From teachers to students, everyone had fun participating in the Table Tennis Tournament. “It’s a little part of your time that brings you so much joy,” said Charisma C., ’22. Even prospective students, such as Jacqueline L., ’23, enjoyed participating in the tournament. “I think that the ping pong tournament is a great way for people to know each other because I see other prospective students playing with people who are already going to this school. Also, the teachers are playing with the students, so I think it’s just a great way to connect,” she said.
As the five days of the tournament continued and those who lost their match slowly joined the ranks of the eliminated, three winners remained: Charlotte Z., ’22, Jacqueline P., ’22, and Stella Ho, Senior IT Manager. “It was fun and exciting,” said Charlotte, who won third place in the tournament. “I wanted to participate in the March Madness Table Tennis Tournament because I like to play ping pong for fun, and I've been told I'm really good,” said Jacqueline. “Honestly, I was a little surprised that I finished in second place because I wasn't expecting to get that far. I was especially scared when I played my sister in the tournament because she is pretty good and she almost beat me.”
Although the students of Westridge gave their best, the winning title went to Stella Ho. “I started playing Table Tennis since I was 8, so anytime there is a chance for a game, I am in,” said Stella Ho. “I feel proud!”
To those seeking a rematch, you’ll have to wait a year, but that should give you ample time to practice, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be the one to dethrone Stella Ho and become the next table tennis queen.