Not on Netflix

Gracie S.
Pre-show of an organ player performing for the film Shall We Dance at Old Town Music Hall.

By Gracie S. & Tiffany C.
April 23, 2019
Over the course of four days, Westridge students headed out to see eight classic films on the Not on Netflix Interim. Many of these films had been forgotten over the years, hidden to a younger audience who now turns to large movie streaming companies such as Netflix for movie viewing. Instead of watching the beloved films of their parents’ generations, Netflix hooks teens on the films of their own generation.
The Not on Netflix interim trip is designed to inspire an appreciation for popular classic films. “I really love film, and I am interested in films from the past, so I was very excited to be on this interim,” said Stella H., ’22.
Students enjoyed two films per day, some of which include Shall We Dance, a film focusing on an American ballet dancer hoping to combine ballet with modern jazz. Students also viewed Young Frankenstein, a film about the grandson of Dr. Frankenstein and his journey to finish what his grandfather started. Each viewing was followed by a lively discussion with among peers about each film. Students talked about the setting of the movie, the directors’ choices, and the message the film conveyed to the audience.