Westridge Soccer Defeats Rival
Chandler 2-0

Sabina P.
(Right) Madeline T. ’24 is getting her blood-covered hands and leg cleaned. (Center) Ahlik D. ’24, Madeline T. ’24, and Maria G. ’24 look important while running around. (Left) Natalie A. ’24, Ashley Z. ’24, Imogen S. ’25 and Ella B. ’25 run quickly after a ball that appears to be falling from the sky, which is very normal for soccer
December 16, 2019
This year’s soccer A team played defeated Chandler in a 2-0, hard-earned victory. In his weekly sports update, Coach Scott called the game a “dominating win against Chandler school.”
During the first 15 minutes of the game, Madeline T. ’24 scraped her knee. Fortunately, the injury was less serious than her teammates and onlookers feared.
Fans turned out to support the players at Westridge’s Frank Field. After the game, the team devoured celebratory donuts, brought by Ahlik D. ’24’s mom.
While much of the team has played outside of Westridge, for some, this is their first year on a soccer team. “Peer pressure,” Natalie A. ’24 said when asked why she joined the team, responding with an enthusiastic smile. She had not been sure that she would like soccer but is now enjoying it, saying her favorite part is “everything.” Jackie O. ’24, the team goalie, also added that she too had “caved” to her friends’ insistence that she join the team.
Regardless of what brought each student to the team, they are united in their desire to win. The tigers’ victory over Chandler, a collective effort, will stand out as a 2019 season highlight.