Middle School Volleyball Teams Compete with Tiger Pride

By Hannah W.
November 1, 2018
The deafening shriek of Mr. Koch’s silver whistle captured our attention and ignited nervous excitement for the A-Team Volleyball Game against an undefeated Clairbourn. Unfortunately, the Westridge Tigers were conquered by the Clairbourn A-Team. Even though both A and B Teams lost the last week of September’s games, they competed with tiger pride. “I am proud of our team because we have made a comeback and made it to the playoffs, even though we placed 4th. Even after our first few games when we lost, we got it back and are taking it to the top,” stated Ronnie C. ‘23.
The volleyball team took that pride to the playoffs, competing with Chandler. Sadly, they lost the game. “I think we played well, and of course, we could have done better, and we have things to work on, but sadly that was our last game as a team which I was very sad about,” stated Ronnie C. ‘23.
As the volleyball season comes to an end, the middle school tigers are getting ready for tennis. Tennis is the most competitive team sport at Westridge; so many students try out for the undefeated A-Team. Last year, the middle school tennis team won a second league title in two years. This year’s tennis team hopes to keep the streak going. “It was fun having a winning streak because we got to add our winning year to the banner in the gym and we got t-shirts. It was a really big accomplishment because the team worked really hard to win,” said Arden M. ‘23.
Although tennis and volleyball teams fell behind their own expectations, the athletes competed fiercely with tiger spirit.