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Middle School Student Voices Shows Tiger Courage

SpyGlass Assembly Picture 1_Hannah W.jpe
Middle School Student Voices presents in PAC.

Hannah W.

December 17, 2018
Hannah W. 

The shriek of the mic echoed through the PAC when Megan B. ’23 and Sofia M.’23,  members of the Middle School Student Voices, presented a slideshow on bullying to the entire school.


Although Megan and Sofia were excited and anxious about their presentation, they showed their true tiger courage and presented with confidence. “I was nervous about whether or not we were ready for our assembly, but I knew that we had prepared and practiced our parts well, and I was confident in what I had to say,” stated Megan.


Bullying is a common problem many schools face, including Westridge. Megan and Sofia wanted to bring awareness to this problem. “Westridge's students still experience bullying. Though physical bullying may not occur as often, we noticed that students from our grade and even Upper School receive verbal or cyber bullying,” explained Sofia.  


Most students had were impressed and intrigued after viewing Megan and Sofia’s presentation. “I never knew bullying was a problem at Westridge, but after attending the presentation, I now realize that bullying can happen anywhere,” states Arden M. ’23.

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