May Editor's Note

By Caroline P.
May 20, 2019
This is our final edition of Spyglass 2018-2019. It is crazy to think that just one year ago, we said goodbye to all of our Spyglass senior editors and our faculty advisor and decided to remodel Spyglass into a fully digital format. The paper has transformed in a way I never could have foreseen. Over the summer the editorial team met and dreamed about what we wanted our paper to be. We came up with four mission words: effort, attitude, teamwork, and ownership all under the guise of creating community. Despite being amazing words by which to live, these words have become the backdrop to a successful paper this year. I truly believe that Spyglass runs on these words and I am so proud of this paper and the team we have assembled this year. Reflecting on our beginning and when we came up with our original plan, I now realize how many goodbyes must be said.
During this time of year I watch those around me become emotional with such sad goodbyes. For me I noticed that this time, this year, the change is less jarring and painful. I have become accustomed to this type of constant shifting after three years of high school. When I was a freshman, my older sister was a senior and I remember how hard it was to say goodbye to her then. It was a culture shock for me as I slowly began to acknowledge the person I would become without her nearby. The next year I said goodbye to some of my best friends when they graduated. So the goodbyes I have to say this year are less sad and discouraging than those before because I have been through this already. Instead, the goodbyes this year feel more hopeful. I realize that the seniors who are leaving us will do amazing things and the tools they’ve provided will make way for an ever more exciting future of Spyglass.
One of two seniors on the newspaper this year, Sophia K. has shown utter dedication and passion. Her excitement about new pieces, willingness to learn, and guidance to the younger staffers has added greatly to the quality of our work.
Masami Hansen was dragged into being the advisor for our paper this year by yours truly, but there could not have been a better fit for this position. She is a master with words, holds us to the best and highest standard, and makes me into a stronger, harder-working and happier person. Ms. Hansen is the reason that we were able to expand into a full fledged online paper so fast and so well.
But above all else, this paper would not exist without Ronni H., our other senior and Editor-in-Chief. Period. Throughout her time on Spyglass, she has grown as a writer, leader, and is one of my best friends at Westridge. Her dedication to this newspaper makes me passionate and excited about journalism. I know that I will miss her presence on the paper next year, but her strong guidance has left us prepared and is what makes me anticipate where we will go and what new creative pathways we will take. I can’t wait to see what Ronni does in her future and I wish her the best of luck. Have a wonderful summer!