Soccer: A Loss for Jerseys

Gabby C.
JV soccer team during warm-up
December 16, 2019
Scrambling to find extra jerseys, this year’s Junior Varsity Soccer team is one of the largest teams in Westridge history. Thirty-two students joined the JV soccer team this season, and during the first few games of the JV season, there weren’t enough jerseys for their players. Most were wearing the signature Westridge green jersey, while others were wearing the white jersey; some were even wearing their uniform shirt with green P.E shorts, the ones provided through middle school.
According to Coach Horn, the Westridge JV soccer team has always had over 20 people. Assistant Junior Varsity Coach Ryan Skophammer said, “Westridge allows all people of different skill levels to play soccer, and I think that’s really awesome.”
With the sheer number of players, the next big issue isn’t whether or not there are enough jerseys, but whether or not athletes are getting enough playing time. Some players play the whole game, and others have played less than 20 minutes in three games. “I really like playing, and I would like to play more, but since there are so many people, I don’t really get a chance to,” said one player who asked to remain anonymous.
Some players say they don’t mind the large team because it is a great community, and others think they should get more playing time. There are very few seniors on the JV team, so the team should stay large through next year. Although playing time might still be an issue, perhaps the jerseys will not.
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