A Look Behind ASB

Members of the ASB Cabinet at their weekly meeting in the Community Room.

By Isabella W.
Photos by Ronni H.
November 1, 2018
All members of the ASB cabinet have one thing in common: their goal to make Westridge a better community. While all of them individually have different personalities and passions, they are able to come together in a collaborative environment to create our Associated Student Body cabinet.
You may know them as a friendly, fun, and sometimes ridiculous group of people who, despite their goofy tendencies, are the most reliable leaders that give a voice to our student body. But who comprises our ASB? Who are the members of the cabinet? And what really happens during an ASB meeting?
Quyen M., ’19 is President of ASB, student body, and possesses characteristics that go beyond making announcements during assemblies. “I try to be a kind and caring person, a good friend and a good listener. I am also very passionate about the things that I care about, and I think I can be funny if you put me in the right mood,” said Quyen. Quyen’s role as the ASB president allows her to create change in the Westridge community. From deciding what music is played during lunch on Friday to discussing our rights as a school to have walkouts, her influence is apparent on our campus.
“My goal as ASB President this year is to keep morale high and to become more approachable to students,” said Quyen. Quyen uses the skills she has developed by being part of the basketball team, peer to peer and volunteering at GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance). “We have a lot of fun working together, and I really love this school, and I just want people to know that I want to get to know them,” said Quyen. “People can always come and talk to me about anything; if you have a suggestion of how to make the school better, or if they want some advice. Really anything, I’m available.”
Keeping spirits high are our Greek and Roman activities heads, Annie L., ’19 and Paloma S., ’19, renowned for their eccentric blue and yellow outfits. Other than planning Greek and Roman Initiation and Big and Little Sister, the duo each is involved with many other activities on and off campus. Annie spends her time volunteering with people with Disabilities at Club 21 and is part of the tennis team at Westridge. Paloma plays softball and also ushers at the Hollywood Bowl. “I want people to give us ideas for Big and Little Sister because finding ideas that other people think are fun that engage the whole entire school is really helpful and extremely important,” said Annie.
Another member who enjoys helping out the community is Aleen B., ’19, the Green Representative. “My job is educating people on what goes on in our environment and urging them to do certain things, like bringing your water bottle to school and not buying plastic water bottles,” said Aleen.
Aleen also works with Erica St. John, Upper School English and Service Learning Coordinator, on projects like getting rid of plastic straws and being involved with the Green Gorillas, a club on campus that works to make a bigger impact on the community in terms of creating a more sustainable and environmentally efficient environment. “I also have a part-time job, and their main goal includes replanting forests that have been deforested and educating parents and children about what's going on in the environment,” said Aleen.
Aleen’s attentiveness to the environment adds an important element to the ASB cabinet, as one of ASB’s goals is to improve the community, and Aleen’s focus assists in implementing that goal to improve Westridge’s environmental impact. “I really love working with the other cabinet members, because it makes me feel as if I have a bigger impact on our community. I have been here since fourth grade, and it has always been my dream to be a part of ASB, which has finally come true,” said Aleen.
Deijah B., ‘19, the Athletics Representative, wants to make the most of her senior year by taking part in ASB. “I love being a part of ASB including planning events like All School’s Day.” On the softball field, Deijah exerts her leadership through her position as a catcher and an outfielder. “I’ve been playing since I was seven,” Deijah said. “I love working in groups, and I think that is why I love being a part of ASB. I also love planning ASD, and Big and Little Sister events.”
Sophia M., ’19 serves as the Vice President of ASB and remains enthusiastic for the school year. “I help plan ASD, Big and Little Sister events, and I work to input school spirit through assemblies,” said Sophie. Sophie is extremely involved with soccer both at Westridge and as an extracurricular. “I play on a club team, and we compete in tournaments and games on the weekends,” said Sophie. Other than helping out the President, proposing valuable ideas and being an overall crucial member of ASB, Sophia says she’s always opened to hearing new ideas from the student body.
Lauren B., ’19, the ASB Secretary, makes considerable contributions both within our community and beyond. “My job consists of taking notes during ASB meetings and working to schedule different events,” said Lauren. Other than ASB, Lauren participates in a multitude of activities. “I have been part of Peer to Peer since my sophomore year and am currently serving as a third year.” Alongside Jane A., ’19 and using their skills from Peer to Peer, both Lauren and Jane have started the affinity Every Body, which focuses on encouraging body positivity. Lauren’s love of literature compelled her to co-head Book Club as well. In addition to all her extracurriculars, Lauren also participates in Varsity Volleyball and Varsity Basketball. Her last and most extensive addition to her schedule is her involvement in the Tournament of Roses. “I am currently serving as an ambassador for the city of Pasadena, attending over 120 service events and gatherings. I have been receiving media, leadership, etiquette and speech training thus far. I have the opportunity to serve as a role model and give back to my community in a completely new way, and learn to balance school with my responsibilities as a Princess.”

Some of the members of ASB: (top left) Annie L., '19, Lauren B., '19, Julia S., '21, (bottom left) Quyen M., '19, Olivia N., '19, Deijah B., '19, (bottom) Paloma S., '19

ASB President, Quyen M., '19, equipped with string cheese and discussing the next all school assembly.