
By Caroline L.
April 23, 2019
During Interim week, 11 students had the opportunity to participate in EmpowHer. The overall theme and goal of the Interim was to create a platform for girls and women in which they would feel empowered. This meant a lot of different things to each student, so they spent hours making decisions on how they would go about the topic at hand. Early on in the week, they decided that their best route would be to put together a conference, which was coined EmpowEd. From there, the week consisted of a lot of brainstorming, and along the way, the class talked to a few very helpful resources who helped them fine-tune some of the ideas they had.
On Tuesday, the students took a bus to Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles to listen to Dr. Emerald Archer, the director of the Center for the Advancement of Women, talk about her job and some startling statistics on women in the United States. Listening to an experienced resource helped them realize which of their ideas were most important. Following the trip to Mount St. Mary’s, they headed back to school to put their heads together and get more research and planning done.
The last two days of the Interim consisted mostly of finalizing their topics, deciding on and reaching out to speakers, listening to a few more incredibly helpful people (including an event planner and the fantastic Westridge marketing team), and overall planning the conference. A ton of work went into this Interim, and much more will be done during the rest of the school year and the summer.