Westridge Theatre Presents Student-Run Production of "All in the Timing"

The cast and crew of "All in the Timing" right after their dress rehersal
Westridge Theatre

By Tiffany C. & Sophia K.
December 17, 2018
“All in the Timing”, this year’s Westridge Black Box production, was a collection of quirky vignettes that left the audience in stitches. Featuring six-different one-act comedies, “All in the Timing” utilized unconventional language and eccentric scenarios to rework classic acts like a first date gone awry and learning a new language. Much of the play’s wackiness and weirdness are metaphors for love and life. Although the title suggests that the play is about time, the show asks its audience to consider how time impacts human connections.
This production was entirely student run from the directors and actors to the designers. Student directors Caroline P. ’20, Phoebe J. ’21, and Emerson L. ’21, still ask themselves the main purpose for telling the stories in the play because the show consists of many small morals intertwined in each individual scene. “There is not a hard and fast moral coming out of the show” says Phoebe J. ’21. The directors learned from the play that weirdness and confusion is good for every individual. They wanted the audience to be able to recognize chaos and relate those elements in everyday life.
Each scenario in the play is a statement on aspects of love and humanity and incorporated realistic aspects. In scenes such as “Universal Language”, directed by Phoebe J. ’21, the actors speak a fantasy language uncommon to them. Words such as “speechless” would be pronounced as “spinachless” forcing the actors to really utilize gestures, interpretations, attitude, and tone to convey their message while keeping it lighthearted, funny, and easy to understand for the audience.
While at times confusing, the vignettes’ plots were aided by the sound, light, and costume crews, whose non-verbal contributions aided in audience understanding. The play’s success can be attributed to students’ collaborative efforts. It’s difficult to say who enjoyed the production more--the production crew or its audience.